Dealing With Stress

Meghana Iyer, guest writer

The life of a high-school student is stressful. Homework, extracurricular activities, tests, quizzes, college… just listing the things students have to deal with is stressful. These experiences can cause students to burn out even before reaching college, and one can only imagine what effects this would have if it carried into adulthood.

But, it doesn’t have to be this way. By first recognizing the signs of stress, students can take steps to start caring for themselves and make the most out of their high school lives.

Here are some common signs of stress:

  • Health problems – bad eating habits, frequent headaches or stomachaches, fatigue, getting tired even when you’ve had a good night’s sleep
  • Social problems – soured relationships with friends and family, viewing everything with a negative attitude
  • Academic problems – performance in school or activities beginning to slip, losing focus in classes or activities that once may have been intriguing and exciting, losing motivation to work hard

If students recognize that they are dealing with one or more of the problems above, first and foremost, don’t start to worry! This would only cause more stress. Fighting stress is simply a matter of self-care, so take a deep breath and consider one or more of the following de-stressing options:

  • Make a schedule of things you have to do – it helps to have a logical arrangement of the tasks you have to accomplish. But don’t only include school-related things in the schedule! Include time for relaxation. 30 minutes of reading or taking a walk can make a huge difference. By incorporating “relaxation activities” in your schedule, you will also have something to look forward to everyday.
  • Try some mind-body therapies like yoga or breathing exercises. Studies have shown that these therapies have direct impact on immune system function.
  • Read, play/listen to music
  • Sleep! Short 30 minute power naps can help you rejuvenate and feel fresh. But avoid sleeping pills since they can interfere with the brain’s natural sleeping cycle.
  • Avoid electronics and technology right before going to sleep

High school is an important time in all students’ lives, but don’t let stress and worrying get in the way of an amazing, worthwhile experience. Worrying will not get you anywhere. Everyone has a lot on their plates, but try to break everything up and prioritize the tasks you have to accomplish by making a list – however, also remember to allot time for relaxation! Everyone needs some time to breath. Most importantly: be happy and remember to make the most out of every single day!